Zajedno gradimo snažnu Europu u svijetu punom izazova, koja će biti bliža svojim građanima!
(VIDEO) RH je prvi put za kormilom Europske unije, i drago mi je da upravo danas, uoči 28. obljetnice našeg međunarodnog priznanja, imam priliku predstaviti prioritete hrvatskog predsjedanja Vijećem EU-a. Veselim se uspješnoj suradnji, u želji da građanima dodatno približimo EU i pokažemo im opipljive koristi od članstva - poručio je Andrej Plenković u svom govoru u Europskom parlamentu u Strasbourgu, koji je održao nakon susreta s predsjednikom EP-a Davidom Sassolijem.
Govor predsjednika Vlade RH i HDZ-a u Europskom parlamentu u povodu predstavljanja prioriteta hrvatskog predsjedanja Vijećem Europske unije donosimo u cijelosti:
Povijesni trenutak za Hrvatsku
Poštovani predsjedniče, potpredsjednici i zastupnici Europskog parlamenta,
Poštovana predsjednice Europske komisije,
Poštovani kolege,
Izuzetno mi je zadovoljstvo biti danas u Europskom parlamentu i predstaviti prioritete prvog hrvatskog predsjedanja Vijećem Europske unije.
Za Hrvatsku i sve moje sugrađane ovo je povijesni trenutak.
Tek prije 30 godina, u Hrvatskoj su održani prvi slobodni izbori.
Time je nakon devet stoljeća, hrvatski narod ponovno stekao svoju suverenost, a Hrvatska se vratila na političku kartu svijeta.
Međunarodno priznanje u teškim okolnostima ratne agresije
Drago mi je da upravo danas - uoči 28. obljetnice međunarodnog priznanja Hrvatske, kada su tadašnje članice Europske zajednice priznale Hrvatsku - imam priliku govoriti u Europskom parlamentu.
Priznanje smo stekli u teškim okolnostima ratne agresije.
Hrvatska se, zahvaljujući svojim braniteljima, obranila, i prije 25 godina oslobodila, nakon čega se obnovila i krenula naprijed putem razvoja, demokracije i europske integracije.
I prije šest i pol godina postala je članicom Europske unije, kojoj je danas prvi put za kormilom.
Na tom putu, europska integracija Hrvatske bila je čvrst i jasan putokaz u svim naporima i u svim reformama koje smo poduzimali.
Veselim se uspješnoj suradnji s Europskim parlamentom u sljedećih šest mjeseci, u želji da našim građanima pokažemo da od Europske unije imaju opipljive koristi.
Nekoliko je važnih zadaća pred nama:
Prva zadaća: Dogovor o dugoročnom EU proračunu
Ladies and gentlemen,
First - An agreement on the new Multiannual Financial Framework.
Timely agreement on the entire financial framework for the next seven years is our priority.
In this, the MFF should meet the expectations of all our citizens, in all our Member States.
So it must continue to finance cohesion and agricultural policies, but also be able to address many new challenges the EU is facing.
It must ensure our togetherness and unity, while respecting all of our differences – economic, social, demographic.
It must also make Europe more effective and visible on the global stage.
To achieve this, we must act fast.
We cannot allow delays in the implementation of our EU programmes as of 2021.
Otherwise, we would be disappointing our citizens.
Together with the President of the European Council, who is continuing the MFF talks at the highest political level, we will spare no effort to achieve a breakthrough during our Presidency.
This would enable us to finalise the entire legislative package under the MFF.
And we count on close and efficient cooperation with all the Parliament’s Committees and Rapporteurs in this endeavour.
We hear and understand all your concerns, messages and expectations.
But we find it of crucial importance to continue the talks and negotiations on all levels and to advance all the files.
In this, we are united by a common goal – as our failure would only strengthen those who do not want a strong Europe.
And we cannot allow that.
Druga zadaća: Brexit
Second - The end of the process of orderly withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union.
After ratification of the Withdrawal Agreement by the UK, we have to finalize the ratification procedure on the EU side.
In this, the crucial step is the consent of the European Parliament.
The Croatian Presidency will, in accordance with the Declaration on Future Relationship and Guidelines of the European Council, work on swift adoption of a comprehensive Council mandate for negotiations, on the basis of the proposals by the European Commission.
Though we will be sad to see one Member State leaving, the European Union and the United Kingdom share a long history.
So this should be a new starting point for building close, partner relations in the future, based on mutual interests, respect and a level playing field, especially in the areas of trade, security and other sectorial policies.
However, the transition period of 11 months is extremely short and it will take a lot of goodwill and a lot of work to bring these negotiations to an end in that period and to reach a good agreement for both sides.
Treća zadaća: Nastavak EU proširenja
Mesdames et Messieurs,
Troisièmement - l’organisation du sommet de Zagreb entre l’Union et les Balkans occidentaux et l’ouverture de négociations d’adhésion avec la Macédoine du Nord et l’Albanie.
Nous ne cachons pas notre ambition d’essayer d’obtenir le soutien des États membres pour l’ouverture des négociations d’adhésion avec ces deux pays.
Le prochain rapport de la Commission européenne et ses propositions pour améliorer la méthodologie des négociations d’adhésion seront importants.
Pour la crédibilité de la politique d’élargissement, il est important de maintenir les principes du respect des critères politiques, des critères de référence et des progrès individuels de chaque pays candidat sur la base de leurs résultats, l’adhésion à l’Union demeurant l’objectif ultime des négociations.
Cela doit rester l’axe central de la politique d’élargissement.
Nous sommes heureux que le Parlement européen ait adopté une résolution en octobre dernier soutenant l’ouverture des négociations avec l’Albanie et la Macédoine du Nord, soulignant l’importance de l’élargissement, tant pour les pays candidats que pour l’Union européenne.
Ce faisant, le Parlement européen a réaffirmé son attachement à une politique d’élargissement crédible de l’Union.
Le sommet de Zagreb, en mai, se tiendra 20 ans après le premier sommet de Zagreb, qui a ouvert la perspective européenne aux pays de l’Europe du Sud-Est et ouvert la voie aux accords de stabilisation et d’association.
Parmi ces pays figurait la Croatie qui, entre-temps, est la seule à avoir adhéré à l’Union européenne.
Qui plus est, aujourd’hui elle préside le Conseil de l’Union européenne.
Notre exemple donne au prochain sommet de Zagreb une valeur symbolique supplémentaire.
C’est pourquoi, lors du sommet de Zagreb, nous souhaitons envoyer un message fort à nos partenaires d’Europe du Sud-Est qui sont toujours dans une sorte d’ « antichambre européenne ».
Et leur dire : si vous poursuivez toutes les réformes et remplissez tous les critères d'adhésion, votre perspective européenne n’est pas remise en cause et vous êtes les bienvenus.
Dans le même temps, l’Union vous aidera à atteindre votre objectif – grâce à la participation à des projets européens, à l’intégration à des réseaux d’infrastructures, via un dialogue politique régulier au plus haut niveau et par la promotion des valeurs et principes européens.
Četvrta zadaća: Konferencija o budućnosti Europe
Quatrièmement - La mise en place de la Conférence sur l’avenir de l’Europe.
Nous aborderons cette tâche rapidement, afin que, sur la base de la position du Conseil, nous puissions conclure des accords interinstitutionnels dès que possible et assurer le démarrage rapide de la Conférence.
Il est important que le Conseil, le Parlement et la Commission s’approprient les objectifs de la Conférence et y soient représentées sur un pied d’égalité.
La Conférence doit aussi garantir l’implication de tous les États membres, des parlements nationaux et une large participation des citoyens, en particulier des jeunes.
Elle doit être inclusive et ouverte, et son débat axé sur les questions découlant du programme stratégique de l’UE, sur les orientations politiques de la présidente de la Commission européenne et, surtout, sur les sujets qui préoccupent ou intéressent le plus les citoyens.
Nous nous réjouissons que ce soit la commissaire croate, Dubravka Šuica, qui soit chargée à la Commission européenne de préparer la conférence.
La conférence est une nouvelle occasion de rapprocher l’Europe des citoyens et de mieux appréhender par le dialogue ce qui lui est reproché.
De comprendre les raisons d’une désaffection croissante des citoyens envers l’Europe.
De comprendre ce qui a conduit au Brexit et pourquoi beaucoup d’Européens dans d’autres États membres développent le même scepticisme.
De comprendre les causes du renforcement du populisme et du ressentiment anti-européen.
Et de voir ensemble ce que nous devons changer et améliorer.
C’est aussi l’occasion de donner la parole aux citoyens pour qu’ils nous disent quelle Europe ils veulent, afin que nous puissions mieux répondre à leurs attentes.
Dame i gospodo,
Hrvatska ulazi u predsjedanje Vijećem uz četiri bloka prioriteta, a oni su:
1. Europa koja se razvija
Naš je glavni cilj osigurati ujednačen, održiv i uključiv rast Unije koji uzima u obzir posebnosti i potrebe svih država članica i njihovih regija.
To zahtijeva daljnji razvoj politika koje stvaraju kvalitetnije radne i životne uvjete te pridonose očuvanju okoliša i borbi protiv klimatskih promjena.
Posebnu pažnju posvetit ćemo Europskom zelenom planu o kojemu će Vijeće raspravljati u nekoliko formacija, s obzirom na njegovu širinu i domet, pri čemu je važno osigurati odgovarajuće financiranje njegove provedbe.
Zajedno trebamo raditi na dosezanju klimatske neutralnosti Europske unije do 2050.
Produbljivanje jedinstvenog tržišta i poticanje digitalizacije, ulaganje u inovacije i istraživanje, kvalitetno i cjeloživotno obrazovanje te razvijanje vještina prilagođenih poslovima budućnosti ulog su u jačanje konkurentnosti Unije.
A upravo je konkurentnost ključna sastavnica osiguranja njezina rasta.
Zbog toga je važan i razvoj tržišta rada koje je prilagođeno vremenu digitalne revolucije, novim globalnim izazovima te demografskim promjenama.
Naša glavna misao vodilja mora uvijek biti poboljšanje kvalitete života svih građana Unije, ali i utvrđivanje poticajnih demografskih mjera koje će izgraditi vitalnije društvo.
2. Europa koja povezuje
Rast i razvoj Europske unije uvelike ovisi o umreženosti njezina gospodarstva i punom iskorištavanju njezinih infrastrukturnih i ljudskih potencijala.
Povezivost je jedna od najvažnijih pretpostavki za postizanje socijalne, ekonomske i teritorijalne kohezije među državama članicama.
Stoga ćemo se snažno zalagati za dodatni razvoj prometne, energetske i digitalne infrastrukture, na dobrobit naših građana.
Pritom ćemo kao Predsjedništvo snažan naglasak staviti na zbližavanje građana kroz obrazovanje, kulturu i sport.
Te su veze osobiti odraz naše snage i našeg zajedništva.
Ladies and gentlemen,
3. Europe that protects
Only safe Europe can provide peaceful environment for its citizens.
In this regard, efficient protection of the EU external borders, as well as an increased resilience to external threats, and hybrid and cyber threats, are of vital importance.
Achieving a comprehensive solution for a sustainable and effective migration and asylum policies is our joint objective.
We will remain focused on further developing our Union as an area of freedom, security and justice, based on the shared values, democracy and the rule of law.
Therefore the adoption of the new Strategic Guidelines in the area of freedom, security and justice will be one of our priorities.
The rule of law is a core value and a fundamental principle of our Union’s functioning.
We will pursue a comprehensive approach to the protection and promotion of the rule of law, while strengthening dialogue and unity of the Member States.
4. An influential Europe
No single Member State of the European Union is able to address the international challenges on its own.
Our unity is our biggest strength.
Europe should speak with one voice more often and more loudly, confirming its global role in today’s multipolar world.
It is crucial to maintain an open dialogue with our North American partners and allies.
Our ambition, as a global actor, should be supported by further development of capabilities and instruments for joint action, including our defence, albeit, in complementarity with NATO.
It is also important to maintain Europe's relationships with China, Russia, India and Japan on the basis of mutual respect, while continuing to develop multilateralism and international rules-based order.
In a wide range of policy areas, from climate change or trade to nuclear proliferation, our Union has a unique ability to achieve necessary compromises and resolve crises.
Tensions in the Middle East, highly complex political and security situation in Iran and Iraq, old and new challenges in the Gulf region – all this requires our constant active and creative engagement, and strong leadership.
As a staunch supporter of the UN sustainable development goals and the world's biggest donor of development assistance, we have a special responsibility towards African, Caribbean and Pacific nations.
During the Croatian Presidency, an Eastern Partnership Summit will be held as well.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
The EU is facing many challenges.
Every day the world is getting more complex and our tasks are more numerous.
Too many actors offer easy answers and instant solutions, often unfounded or based on false information.
The expectations of our citizens are growing.
We must get closer to our citizens.
We must listen and provide appropriate answers to their concerns.
We cannot miss any opportunity to do more for the sake of our citizens.
To meet the challenge, we need to promote equality, inclusivity and solidarity, while strengthening Europe's democracy as our core value on the global scene.
Therefore we need: